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Visitors 15


Subject: Bradford C.T. 628 (AAK 430)
Chassis: AEC 661T
Body: Northern Coachbuilders H30/26R
Location: Bradford, Thornton Road
Date: Aug-1958

628 is outside the New Inn, which was on the junction of Thornton Road and Tyrrel Street, actually facing the latter. This area changed considerably in the 1960s and the New Inn was a casualty of that. The location became The Tyrls for a while and is now the site of the mirror pool.

Note the panelled-over slot below the driver's side window, showing that for a while these vehicles were fitted with semaphore trafficators.

From a negative in the David Beilby collection from the RHG Simpson archive

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:AEC, AAK430, 661T, Bradford City Transport, English Electric, NCB, Northern Coachbuilders, Bradford