New as DMS1313 in London, this example was sold to West Midlands PTE as their 5537 and was withdrawn by them in 1986, having spent almost as many years with them as with London Transport. Whilst with WMPTE it had the destination blind layout modified and the engine shrouds removed.
It formed part of the initial Yelloway fleet at deregulation and is seen in Town Square bus station with, unusually, another Yelloway bus for company. It is clearly early days as neither bus has any destination blind, that in MLH313L being its former WMPTE one.
Photograph courtesy of Dave Farrier.
Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Daimler, London, London Transport, MCW, Metro-Cammell, MLH313L, Oldham, West Midlands PTE, WMPTE, WNOC, Yelloway