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Subject: First Manchester 33723 (SN12 AKU)
Chassis: Alexander Dennis Enviro 400
Body: Alexander H45/30F
Location: Standedge, Huddersfield Road
Date: 9-Jul-2015

It’s only around midsummer’s day that you can take this photograph with the sun in the right direction, as it will normally have set behind the hills.

33723 is returning from Huddersfield, this being the last journey of the day. It’s only when looking carefully I realise that all that can be seen of the passenger on the front nearside seat upstairs is a pair of feet - I don’t know where their head is!

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Alexander, Dennis, Enviro 400, First, Greater Manchester, SN12AKU, Standedge
