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Created 28-Oct-11
Modified 8-Mar-24
Visitors 47
75 photos
Vienna's 6 route is an important orbital route which shares a lot of track with the 18 but runs further out of the city. The 6 had served three stops at the massive Zentralfriedhof (Cemetery) in the daytime, terminating at Zentralfriedhof 3 Tor, but early morning and evening journeys terminated at Simmering depot (displayed as Fickeysstraße). From 9th December 2012 the service was extended to Kaiserebersdorf during all operating hours, serving all four stops at the Zentralfriedhof.

It is worked by the three principal types of tram, namely the E1, E2 and ULF cars (of the B and B1 classes). These are provided by Favoriten and Simmering depots.

In addition to the extension to Zentralfriedhof 3 Tor during the day the 6 also had journeys that extended beyond to the Hauptwerkstätte, the main workshops of Wiener Linien. These took staff to work early in the morning with a further two trips in the afternoon to suit the 1500hrs finishing time. These workings made a complete circuit of the workshops. Since the extension of the 6 to Kaiserebersdorf, these journeys are now on the 71 service.