Although the coaches in this view of Greenfield are unidentified, I've used it as it illustrates well the arrangements as they used to be. Later that night there was a tragic and fatal accident involving a coach which led to a complete change in arrangements.
Up to and including the 2010 event, coaches would pull up on Chew Valley Road as close to the Conservative Club (the signing-in point) as they could get. The band would march up the road to Road End and the coach would follow. In earlier years the coaches turned round there to go back (in the main) but latterly, as the event got busier, they would all leave by the Clarence. Service buses also attempted valiantly to get through the crowds.
From 2011 onwards Chew Valley Road has been closed completely (except for necessary local traffic) from the junction of Greenbridge Lane to Road End, with coaches going down Greenbridge Lane to turn near the Squash Club.