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Subject: Morby’s NKH 46 and Trundley’s WBU 706H
Chassis: Leyland Royal Tiger PSU1/15 and AEC Reliance 6U3ZR
Body: Plaxton Venturer C41C and Plaxton Panorama Elite C53F
Location: Blackpool?
Date: early 1970s

The star of this photo is Morby’s Royal Tiger, bought from Bluebird in Hull in the mid-fifties and operated for about twenty years until Morby sold out to Mayne’s. This coach fortunately survives in preservation.

However, the photograph is included in this gallery as it is a rare rear-end glimpse of the rear of Trundley’s AEC Reliance WBU 706H, showing the signwriting on the boot.

From an original negative in the David Beilby collection, photographer unknown.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:AEC, Blackpool, Bluebird, Leyland, Morby, NKH46, Panorama Elite, Plaxton, Reliance, Royal Tiger, Trundley, Venturer, WBU706H
