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Subject: Bradford C. T. 765 (NNU 229)
Chassis: BUT 9611T
Body: Weymann H32/26R
Location: Bradford, Leeds Road
Date: c.1963

765 had originally been Notts & Derby 348 and is here close to the end of its time as a working trolleybus. It was withdrawn in October 1963 but like many of the batch, lay around Thornbury depot until it was finally sold in 1967.

In the background there has been a lot of development and the road going off to the right at the roundabout is Petergate. This was a new road replacing Well Street, the remnant of which runs off to the right at the back of the trolleybus. This was wired as a link between Forster Square and Leeds Road until 3rd November 1962, just before the end of the Bradford Moor trolleybuses. It was never a service route. Ironically all the visible new development, including Petergate, has itself been replaced by the Broadway Centre whilst Well Street and the stone building on Leeds Road at the extreme right still survive!

From an original negative in the David Beilby collection, photographer unknown

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:9611T, Bradford, Notts & Derby, Weymann, Bradford City Transport, NNU229, BUT, trolleybus