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Subject: Creamline GNY 715K
Chassis: Leyland Leopard PSU3B/4R
Body: Plaxton Panorama Elite II C53F
Location: Tonmawr depot
Date: c.Sep-1985

GNY 715K is in its final colour scheme in a time when stripes were considered fashionable. After Creamline ceased operations this coach moved nearby to Merlyn's of Skewen with whom it continued to be seen in Neath on local bus services. Merlyn's had operated a coach fleet for some years before de-regulation and continued until around 2000 when they were taken over by Pullman Coaches.

From an original slide in the David Beilby collection, photographer unknown

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Plaxton, Cream Line, Leopard, GNY715K, Creamline, Tonmawr, Leyland, Panorama Elite