Subject: Newcastle C.T. 103 (VK 2378) Chassis: AEC Regent 661 Body: English Electric H28/24R Location: Preston, Dick, Kerr Works Date: 1930
Newcastle developed their suburban bus network from around 1930 - their earlier services had been longer country services. Initial purchases were of AEC Regents and Daimlers, but Daimlers became the chassis of choice in the pre-war period.
The batch was 103-105 (VK 2378-2380) and they were reseated at some stage to H28/26R. Newcastle operated a joint service with Tyneside Tramways and Tramroads Company. However Tyneside Council refused to allow Newcastle to operate buses in the borough (a decision very soon to be taken out of their hands) and these three Regents were loaned to Tyneside during May and June 1930.
Two (103 and 105) were loaned to London Transport during the war, from Oct-1940 to Mar-1941. The batch only just saw out the war, being withdrawn in 1946 and passing to the service fleet, in the case of 103 this took place in Apr-1946. The batch was renumbered 137-139 in 1947.
Note this early design does not include an emergency exit at the rear of the upper saloon, although provision of an exit of some sort would soon become mandatory.
Photograph from the GEC archive
Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:AEC, Dick Kerr, English Electric, Newcastle Corporation, Preston, Regent, VK2378