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Visitors 16


Subject: Bradford C. T. 764 (NNU 228)
Chassis: BUT 9611T
Body: Weymann H32/26R
Location: Shipley, Bingley Road (Nab Wood)
Date: early 1960s

A second view of 764 at Nab Wood showing a bit more of the garage located there. Despite the new Vauxhall just visible here but seen better in the other photograph, the signage shows it to be a Standard-Triumph dealer. However it wasn't unusual in those days for dealers to sell several car makes.

From an original negative in the David Beilby collection, photographer unknown

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:9611T, Shipley, Notts & Derby, Weymann, Bradford City Transport, NNU228, Nab Wood, BUT, trolleybus