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This was a route that was considered for tramcar operation as part of Pontypridd Urban District Council’s original application to the Board of Trade to construct and work tramways. However, it was struck off by the Board of Trade on account of the gradients involved, these probably being not only the one in Pontypridd on High Street and Union Street, but also Park Street in Treforest.

The Llantwit Road service was originally licensed on 16th November 1931 and left Pontypridd on High Street, Union Street, Rickards Street, Wood Road, Queen Street, Brook Street and Llantwit Road.

As traffic increased the Llantwit Road terminus at Oakwood Street become more and more dangerous. Also, the Treforest to Berw Road service, introduced after the abandonment of the trolleybuses, had been reduced and the Council was looking at more viable ways to serve the John Street area. As a consequence from 2nd January 1963 licences were granted for two new services:

- Treforest (John Street) to Bridge Street, Wood Road and then Pontypridd

- Treforest (John Street) along the A473 to Brook Street, Queen Street, Wood Road and then to Pontypridd

The first of these only lasted until 1968 whilst about 1969 the inward service was diverted along King Street and Kingsland Terrace. In 1973 the John Street terminus ceased to be used and buses were extended towards the centre of Treforest, terminating in a loop formed by Park Street, Castle Street and Forest Road.

The service was always operated by single-deckers, initially due to the bridge at High Street but when it ran into Treforest there was another low bridge on Llantwit Road.
17599JLJ2019JLJN284116934JLJ38967CBS11286CBS11134JLJN4252Taff-Ely 24 (RBO 24R) Pontypridd Fountain 1982 John LawPontypridd 83 (976 HTX) Taff Street Phil Sposito17044Pontypridd 95 (JNY 366D) Station Square Mar-1973 Geoff Gould W40524319JLJN2345111824322432143204323JLJ3216