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Created 10-May-19
Modified 30-May-24
Visitors 79
35 photos
Following the small number of RT-type Regents, in the next three years Rhondda received no less than 40 Weymann-bodied AEC Regent IIIs. These were all on the 9612E chassis with 9.6 litre engine and preselector gearbox and were 7'-6" wide.

1947 saw the arrival of 221-230 (GNY 767-776) whilst the next batch was a very large one and spread from 1948 into 1949. These vehicles were 231-254 (HTG 699-722). A final group of six came later in 1949 numbered 255-260 (JTG 946-951).

Withdrawals started in 1958 with all the GNY-series and two of the HTG-series. A further two HTG-registered ones were withdrawn in 1959 but the remainder served until 1961, with the last five surviving until 1962. 221 and 222 were sold to Sleeman (dealer) in London but all the other passed through Frank Cowley of Salford. Through these dealers these buses passed to a wide variety of further owners.